What is Well Completion

Well Completion

 After careful interpretation and consideration on well test data (coring, logging etc), a decision is made whether to set production casing and complete the well or to plug and abandon it. 

 Decision to abandon is made when the well is not capable to produce oil or gas in commercial quantities. 

 However, sometimes wells that were plugged and abandoned at one time in the past may be reopened and produced if the price of oil or gas has become more favorable.
 “Completing a well” means installing equipment in the well to allow a safe and controlled flow of petroleum from the well

 A series of activities to prepare an oil well or a gas well, so that the well can be flowed in a controlled manner. All wells have to be completed. 

 In addition to the casing that lines the wellbore (recall Chapter 4), tubing and a system of flow valves must be installed. 

 Cannot operate alone - must joint effort with other sub

disciplines such as production engineering and reservoir engineering

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